Why Ethical Business Is Our Business

In light of recent events and our class discussion on ethics, I’m reminded that people sometimes have a certain perception of business students. We’re greedy, or uncaring about social issues. Yet, while reading articles about the Sauder Frosh incident, I noticed many comments about how disappointing it is that our ‘nation’s future leaders’ would supposedly participate in such behaviour. One commentator referred to us as “Captains of Industry”. It didn’t dawn on me until then that despite the stereotyping, people still expect leadership not only from Sauder grads but from the entire business world. Why? Well, I guess when you’re in an industry that affects literally everyone, people look to you to keep to moral standards. This is why it is very important for business schools to continue to put an emphasis on ethical business practices. Another commentator on HuffPost stated that “all that’s wrong with the business culture in Canada is summed up with the statement that the Honour Code will, “help Sauder students represent the brand well in the business community…”.” and that we’re in “big trouble” if students aren’t instead well grounded in ethics and values. Perhaps we can repair the brand by worrying less about it and more about the character of the students representing it.

11. September 2013 by lizzy
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