Why Marketing Isn’t Always About You

First, watch this Budweiser ad:

Touching, right?

Scott Stratten discusses the brilliance of this ad on his blog, UnMarketing. This post is incredibly useful because it demonstrates an important rule of marketing that Cole Nakatani explained in class on November 12: When marketing your company, focus on the WHY and not the WHAT.

Why does your company make this product/offer this service? Because people need to know what your values are to form a connection. Stratten’s post highlights why Budweiser resounded more with consumers than any other beer company could simply by showing that they’re a brand of the people. They made it seem like the “Big Game” was just as important to them as they knew it is to millions of Canadian hockey fans. The crucial part of this advertisement was the fact that it wasn’t even about Budweiser; they didn’t ask you to buy their product, they simply unfurled the banners and let their name speak for itself.



16. November 2013 by lizzy
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