Do you Want Shoes with That?

According to blogger Jason Del Rey, H&M and Zara are to haute couture as to what Triple O’s tries to be to fine dining: cheaper but still high-quality alternatives that get you the product faster and more conveniently.

First consumers wanted fast food and now we have fast fashion, where JustFab is charging ahead, mostly uncontested, in the shoe market. I think it’s obvious why they’re successful . It takes much less time and energy to buy shoes online than it does to pick them out in person.

But this isn’t a unique service. You can buy shoes online in many other places and for cheaper too. What is unique –and controversial– is their subscription policy where customers are automatically charged $39.95/month for a pair of shoes. A subscription is genius because it reminds the customer every month and keeps them coming back while the buying process is made easier with the “personalized boutique” that shows products the customer will likely prefer.

JustFab is merely taking advantage of the trend towards faster living — consumers want what they want and they want it now. In the future, will we want to buy homes online? Or Completely shift to opensource online university education?I just wonder what entrepreneurs will speed up next.



Jason Del Rey – “Is JustFab the Next H&M, or Direct-Marketing Black Magic?” (  (

17. November 2013 by lizzy
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