Tag Archives for marketing

Do you Want Shoes with That?

According to blogger Jason Del Rey, H&M and Zara are to haute couture as to what Triple O’s tries to be to fine dining: cheaper but still high-quality alternatives that get you the product faster and more conveniently. First consumers wanted fast food … Continue reading

17. November 2013 by lizzy
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All Brand New

Just like my classmate Natasha mentioned in her blog, it seems that nowadays getting ahead in business is all about being different and not necessarily being better. I agree with her on the point that brand image has become even … Continue reading

17. November 2013 by lizzy
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Why Marketing Isn’t Always About You

First, watch this Budweiser ad: Touching, right? Scott Stratten discusses the brilliance of this ad on his blog, UnMarketing. This post is incredibly useful because it demonstrates an important rule of marketing that Cole Nakatani explained in class on November 12: When marketing your company, focus … Continue reading

16. November 2013 by lizzy
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