Tag Archives for sauder

Lighting Up Africa

Though some people still believe Africans to be destitute people living without running water and electricity in huts, this is simply not true. But during my family’s trip to Nigeria last year, it was clear that the nation did have an energy problem. … Continue reading

18. November 2013 by lizzy
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Whose Job Is it Anyways?

This is how Cenovus Energy, an oil company operating in Alberta wants consumers to see the oil sands:   And this is apparently how singer Neil Young sees them: Young recently said that “Fort McMurray looks like Hiroshima. Fort McMurray … Continue reading

12. September 2013 by lizzy
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Why Ethical Business Is Our Business

In light of recent events and our class discussion on ethics, I’m reminded that people sometimes have a certain perception of business students. We’re greedy, or uncaring about social issues. Yet, while reading articles about the Sauder Frosh incident, I … Continue reading

11. September 2013 by lizzy
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