Our viedo file size is too large, so we made a padlet page for it.
Chloe, Dorothy, Jose, Marie-Josée Media presentation blog
Media Project
Video Submission: Sean, Owen, Geetika, Mark
LLED361 Video Presentation
Group Members: Nicole, James, Janna, Victor, Puneeta and Dena
YouTube Video Link:
Digital Literacy in SoundScape Creation
Tech used: Iphone, Mac (could all be done on phone or iPad)
Apps: IMovie, GarageBand, Quicktime Video
Friday, PM. Humans for Chickens, Chickens for Spelling Bees
In a post-apocalyptic world, it’s oddly mostly chickens who survive. Chickens, now ruling the world, seek out humans for entertainment. While the human population is quite small, still among them teachers emerge. In this case emerging teachers perform for the chickens the most glorious and spectacular form of entertainment: Spelling Bees. Chickens, now quite proficient in sound effects, and keeping in a suspenseful silence, apply the effects liberally to flex their telepathic skills as well as communicate with the humans. As chickens are not very good at organizing, specialized ally dogs often have to herd them back home after a good show.
Link to the Padlet: Raven Brings the Light
This is the link for our group project: The Raven Brings the Light
Members: Nan, Bethany, Devon, Alexa, Jeff, Suqi
Link: https://padlet.com/bethany980511/2shi1257suwk
Cheers and enjoy.
Designing Multiliteracy Assessment
Presentation slides: https://tinyurl.com/y48cohjl
- Introduction to Project-based assessment: https://youtu.be/dFySmS9_y_0
- Two-stage exams: https://youtu.be/ZVFwQzlVFy0
- Portfolio-based assessment in Math: https://youtu.be/isvMH2ks0hg
Learn more!
- Webinar Series on Assessment by Tom Schimmer from BC Ministry of Education: https://tinyurl.com/y2mujwlb
- Making Rubrics. Simple! http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php
By: Tom, Martin, Leo