Genocide vs. Mass Killing Lesson

In this lesson created for Genocide Studies 12, Sean effectively broke down a rather tough reading by Gavin Moore for students. He was a very quick study and presented the mini-lesson with ease and comfort! His tone of voice and lesson pacing was very effective. Well done Sean!

He showed two videos, one of the Armenian Genocide and one of the Khmer Rouge in order to help the students have a visual representation of what Gavin Moore considers a genocide and a mass killing. The students then understood that in the Khmer Rouge the perpetrators aimed to reconstruct Cambodian society, oppressing and ‘re-educating’ those who were spared death and that the Armenian Genocide was aimed at exterminating Christian Armenians due to their religion.

The students then moved to their Venn Diagram and with Sean’s assistance they broke down the intent and motive of a mass killing versus a genocide. This really helped the students understand the reading, as Gavin Moore argues that the term Genocide be reserved as an act with no equal with needed moral gravity.

This would be a great activity to use before or after reading the text, linked below.

Videos: (WITH trigger warning as they are both depictions of upsetting material)

Genocide vs mass killing

Gencoide Vs Mass Killing

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