Assignment 3: Social Studies Math

What makes for a successful civilisation?

First, go over these three questions to prep students for the project/activity:

  1. How do we define a “successful” state/civilisation?
  2. What should each math symbol represent? (+,-,x,/)
  3. What are some key variables, why are some variables weighted heavier than others?
  4. Extra: What defines an “unsuccessful” civilisation/state?

Ex. (Cultural+Economic+Technological Development) x Duration of Civ./State – (Civic Unrest x Corruption) = Positive then Successful, Negative then Unsuccessful

Key Goals:

  • Why use multiplication w/certain variables over others?
  • Identify the weight some variables as more than others?
  • Identify differences between perspectives of different groups in the class.

Follow-up: List examples of each variable for a civilisation, decide if they balance out to be a successful or unsuccessful civilisation/state.

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