Cross-Genre Translation- The Berlin Airlift and Containment

The Berlin Airlift & Containment

     After the Soviets cut off surface traffic to West Berlin on June 27th 1948, the United States believed they had a right to be in Berlin, including the right to access. The Soviets however did not agree. Shipments by rail and road came to a halt. A desperate Berlin, faced with starvation and in need of vital supplies, looked to the West for help. President Truman, wishing to avoid war or a humiliating retreat, supported an air campaign that sent over two million tons of supplies in approx. 270,000 flights to Berlin. At this time, a man by the name of Gail Halvorson, better known as “Uncle Wiggly Wings”, from Utah, dropped a bunch of candy to children of the blockaded city. This is a recipe of Cold War Containment.

The Berlin Airlift Student Activity

KUED. (2013, 12 6). Inspiring Story of The Candy Bomber. Retrieved 05 27, 2019 from Google Sites:

Map of Berlin and Allied Nations


Recipe of Containment- Operation Vittles (Food)


  1. Communist- USSR (east Berlin)
  2. Capitalists- United States and Allies (West Berlin)
  3. Candy Bomber Pilot, Gail Halvorson (Uncle Wiggly Wings)
  4. Hungry Children in East Berlin
  5. Berlin Tempelhof Air Field
  6. Chocolate and Candy donations
  7. Media for publicity
  8. A Loaded plane
  9. A Dropzone
  10. A Map


  1. First you need a US President willing to help prevent the spread of communism in Europe and the word. In our case, it’s President Harry S. Truman
  2. Next you need to take action and help rebuild Europe. Send $13 billion of aid to communist USSR
  3. For a PR boost and to support the hungry children of East Berlin, find a pilot from Berlin Tempelholf Air Field
  4. Collect as many chocolates and candy that you possibly can to deliver to children of the blockade
  5. Load your plane with tons of food and supplies including the chocolate and candy
  6. Instruct Gail Halvorson, “Uncle Wiggly Wings” to drop the Candy in East Berlin near the blockade zone
  7. Contact media for some good ol’ media and public relations
  8. Locate the blockade dropzone on your map
  9. You will then experience Happy German children shouting for “bon bon”
  10. Wiggle Gail’s wings and release the candy to the children
  11. Continue from the top from 1948- 1949 to fulfill containment and lift the Soviet blockade
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