The autotune app I used is Voloco (10/10 would recommend the app).
Here are the song lyrics:
I know you are afraid, you are petrified.
But here I have a song that will open your eyes.
It is simple once you see
The 4 game types in PhE
So we will learn
Then we will play
Some target games, invasion games,
And don’t forget the net/wall and striking/fielding games
We will not crumble
We will not lay down and die
We will be active
Because it helps us surviveeeee
We will start sweet
With Target games
The most simple type of game
Where the goal is always the same
To hit the target
The closer that you-get
Will make you superior,
Can it even get easier??
Okay what’s next?
Let us not forg-et
The fielding/striking games
Where one team is o n the field
And the other is at bat.
Would you look at that?
When you hit the ball it GOES smack
Into the field
And then you run
And run and run and run and run
To win the game
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doooo
Now Net/Wall games
Doo doo doo doo
In this game type
There are Two sides
two separate teams – with a Net or wa-ll in between.
You hit a game object – back and forth
And how you score
Is by hitting the floor
Inside the court
On the side that is not yo-urs
Oh doo da dee
Onto the next, and also th-e most complex
Invasion Games
We have two teams, and their goal is both the same
To score more goals
Than the oppononos
Oh no no no
We will not lay down and die
We will be active
Because it helps us surviiiiive
Beep boop boop bop
Based on this article:
Ellis M (1983) Similarities and differences in games: A system for classification. Paper presented at: The Internal Association for Physical Education in Higher Education Conference, Rome, Italy.