All Hail!

All hail Julius Caesar!

Response: Hail!

Conqueror, general, fearless leader.

Ideas of grandeur as he crossed the Rubicon.

All hail!

Response: HAIL!

Civil war led to his greatness, fear of despotism lead to his fall.

“Et tu Brutus!!”

Stabbed 23 times to share the burden of treasonous murder.

All hail!

Response: HAIL!

Hopes of democratic reform would lead not to res-publica.

July turned to August,

the heat of the Egyptian sand burned under the marching feet of the legion as they sealed

Marc Antony’s fate, and with it, the fate of Cleopatra and Egypt.

Caesar’s former lover and bearer of his children was dead but the empire was born, via  Caesarean section.

As the sun blazed down to earth, the most powerful and influential culture would shape

the future of Western Civilization and our identity.

All hail Julius Caesar!

Response: Hail!!!

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