Category Archives: Assignment 3 Cross-Genre Translation
Cross Genre – Sonnet
For this assignment, I wanted to make the connection between poetry and music. As poetry is in itself a performative act, I wanted to communicate some of the emotion of the poem in musical form. Sonnets naturally lend themselves to … Continue reading
Napoleonic Simulation
Here is my Napoleon Simulation below. If you would like any additional details/would like to adapt any of my resources, do not hesitate to ask! – Ben Moscow Map The Napoleonic Wars Simulations
All Hail!
All hail Julius Caesar! Response: Hail! Conqueror, general, fearless leader. Ideas of grandeur as he crossed the Rubicon. All hail! Response: HAIL! Civil war led to his greatness, fear of despotism lead to his fall. “Et tu Brutus!!” Stabbed 23 … Continue reading
Assignment 3: Kelps of the Pacific Northwest
If you explore a rocky beach of the Pacific Northwest, You might meet a large brown seaweed, whose name you could only guess. Finding them is easy, but to ID, you might need some help, So next time you meet … Continue reading
Jose Nihira Assignment 3
Recipe for Japanese feudal hierarchy. cross-genre assignment 3
Haiku Cross-Genre Translation
isolate, control, dissect, and distance yourself one way of knowing arbutus leaf blight cedar salal smoke signals change the subject
A Musical Sentence
An instructional text about musical phrasing made into an acrostic poem A Musical Sentence Piece of the puzzle in the composer’s musical story How does one determine where it begins and ends? Revealed by melodic shapes and patterns, 2, 4, … Continue reading
Cross-genre recipe
We saw a few cross-genre translations into recipes, I had to do the opposite. I decided to take my recipe and turn it into a story. My story shares how to make cinnamon buns using yeast. This was a really … Continue reading
Assignment 3: Phys Ed Musical Jingle
The autotune app I used is Voloco (10/10 would recommend the app). Here are the song lyrics: I know you are afraid, you are petrified. But here I have a song that will open your eyes. It is simple … Continue reading
If You’re Hamlet and You Know It Clap Your Hands
(to the tune of If You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands) To be, or not to be, that is the question: To be, or not to be, that is the question: To be, or not to be, … Continue reading