And Ode to Our Legacy

I once asked myself
“If you could reach back
into time
and change anything
what would you do?”
And different answers presented themselves
from different parts of my being.
A well-lit knoll at the center of me said
“I would teach those before me
how to build a legacy for themselves,
one that is so much greater than that
which they have left.”
But a darker corner of my being
glared with savage eyes from the shadows
and growled, “And what is great about
the legacy they have left?”
“Why, much” came a cautious response
to which a long and piercing silence followed.
“Would you start by showing your ilk
what it means to destroy a human being
and reveal to them their successes
on reserves?”
A bewildered response spoke volumes
in gaze alone, though
further questions followed.
“Would you show them the tattered remains
of a people whose potential they squandered?
Would you object when your knowledge
was used to better rob a peoples of their homes
and languages
and minds
and souls,
Or would you take solace that such was being done
with expertise?”
The glare of bared teeth shone merciless contempt
brighter than any sun.
“Would you moralize and preach
their wrongs only to watch
fruition brought unto them,
And if so,
could you stay your anger?”
The air of shame was palpable
and the voice in the shadows
drew closer to the knoll
“And if you harboured anger toward them
would not your fondness for them wane?
Could you still teach them
knowing them as they truly were?”
a part of me left the light
and backed into the shadows
As a darker part of myself lurked into the light
and sat atop of the well-lit knoll.

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