Cruel Fate

Sitting under a great elm

Looking out past the horizon

I watched,


As the sun slowly set behind the ocean.

The colours were brilliant;

A plethora of shades

Of red, and orange, and yellow.


As I sat, I began to think of you.

The way you laughed

The way you smiled

The way you held me when I was a small child.


I think about how you were present in every moment,

How you lived life to the fullest and taught me

To just be.


Then I start to think about how cruel the Fates were

When they stole you away.

Those cursed sisters.

If only they would allow me to see you

Even for a fleeting moment

Just to hear you laugh again

To see you smile again

To hold your hand in mine

One last time.


In my anger and pain, I called out to the sisters,



To which they replied

“Cruel fate.”

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