Event Poems

Hi Folks,

Sorry I cut time too short after the ecopoetics walk to share with you some examples of event poems. On one level, I’m glad I didn’t, as I don’t want reading these to influence your event poem in any way. I want it to be whatever you come up with, not what you think it “should” be.  I have now posted examples on the Resources page, (click the tab on the header, scroll to the bottom). These are examples from the anthology Technicians of the Sacred, edited by that master anthologizer, Jerome Rothenberg. Connecting to event poems as a tradition situates us. It is a way of connecting to the land and to all aspects of place, as they tend to be place specific, they are put into practice when they are realized. They can teach something more important than poetry on its own: they can teach the art of “living poetically”, as our own Carl Leggo writes about, see his article Pedagogy of the Heart: Ruminations on living poetically.  http://www.jstor.org.ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/stable/23767223?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents



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