Event Poem

Listen to the diagnosis but do not lose your shit in front of him, stay strong

Hope he can meditate those white cells into compliance

Feed him organic, why not?

Nuke him, chemo him, radiate the shit out of him but don’t forget to stay positive

Don’t upset people with your doom and gloom and surtout, do not mention death, it makes everyone soooooo uncomfortable

Ok docs, even though he’s terminal, aspirate that fucking blood clot out of his artery; please he has two little girls

Hold his wife up, wipe her snot, grief is so messy; better to be hit by a truck?

Do not worry about getting him to walk again for the rest of his life, it is not going to happen

Dope him up, make him comfortable so he can get his affairs in order, help him write farewell letters to his girls

Take his pulse and remove the tubes, close his eyes, call everyone, it is time to gather and bid a life farewell


  1. I’m so sorry to hear about this situation (if it is a real situation – I’m not asking, that’s your business) – you’ve really described it with an engaging, and disturbing (frightening/agitating) urgency. Well-done. Very powerful.

    1. Yes it happened a year an a half ago to my brother-in-law. In 10 months he was gone, a type of cancer that was aggressive. He left behind a wife and a 3 & 8 year old. He would have turned 50 a couple of months later. It was hard to break it down into 10 steps so I guess it got intense. He took his last breath alone with me….

      1. Yeah, that’s an intense situation…again, I’m so sorry. I think that’s a powerful piece you wrote about him, though, and I’m sure he would appreciate you recognizing him in this way, including how the situation made you feel (urgent/agitated, etc.). Again, well-done.

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