Ma Junior – Assignment 1 – My Old Wessex Digs

The pleasant blessed pastures of Wessex of the South West,

Of the poetic rolling wet and green of Thomas Hardy’s nest,

Seeded poetry in my heart,

waiting to blossom at last,

for it was there in the old Wessex capital

that I had buried my longing heart

longing to return to me undyingly

just as I yearn to return to Sherborne

to fill the void in me and be reborn.


What stories could they tell

If stones could speak?

What fables could they testify

If fields could talk?

Such history that the Saxon abbey could reveal

Of secrets and intrigues and life and death,

Such tales that South Cadbury could convey,

Of Camelot and Arthur and Guinevere and Merlin.

Such myths and legends the South West boasts

Of Stonehenge and Avebury and Glastonbury and Cerne Abbas

and the mysterious moors of wild and windy Devon.

Sherborne speaks to me like no other place does

Dorset calls out to me like no other place does

“Come home” ring the bells at Sherborne

Live in exile no more, retake your place.

Such overwhelming yearning to return

Drives me insane and imminent collapse

Everyday, every hour, every minute, every second.

And indeed cloudy days and foggy days

Fill me with life and energy and optimism and hope

And likewise rainy days and wintry nights

Remind me of hearth and home I used to relish

On England’s pleasant pastures and rolling green.


To live in exile is severe suffering and punishment

I accept this retribution for an unjust past life

That I must have lived in my previous reincarnation

But then a famous son of Liverpool once sang

“It’s not always going to be this grey”

“All Things Must Pass”

And  I must go home.

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