Phoneme poem – Portal

Back there, up the stairs and down the hall
Lies a portal to anywhere
You want to go.
Where insignificant human 029395
Has reincarnated into a thousand different lives.

Hacker, athlete, vengeful god, and explorer
Of both space and time,
I have saved more lives
And cost more
Than anyone in this current reality.

I have righted more wrongs
And inspired more songs
Than Beowolf or Warf combined.

This inconspicuous lego-brick
Of pre-WW2 housing,
Quiet lives on repeat,
Orderly, silent, and neat,
Hides within it epic shit
Worthy of a bardic recording
And your best bit of green.


(restricted by the limits of tablet technology, this poem was recorded by voice and I was unable to upload the audio to the blog.  Just picture the dulcet tones of my chipmunk voice skittering through these lines.)


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