The William’s House

The William’s House

Built April 27th, 1911
Lot A, Block 17
Corner of 7th and Stephens

Old house smells diluted by fresh latex paint…
We paint the ominous dark brown wood a cheerful white
Ms. Williams promptly turns over in her grave

My family encroaches the space and the years unravel
Two children
Elementary and high school angst
Guitar lessons, rock bands, soccer, field hockey, beach volleyball and yoga

Sleep-overs with tween girls hiding balloons under their nighties, pretending to be “teen moms”
15-year-old boys vomiting in every crevice after emptying our liquor cabinet
Embarrassing midnight calls to parents
Mopping up projectile vomit

Endless renovations
Good-bye disco floor, welcome guitar hero
Gardening, weeding, cleaning, painting
One day, a ragdoll kitten appears on the front stoop
Around her neck is a tiny heart shaped collar with the inscription “Will you marry me?”
Wedding preparations ensue with a dress that no longer fits
Running, running, running along the seawall, in the rain and heat until “I do”

A last appeal, “Is a dog is a divorceable offense?”
Ummm, “no”.
A baby briard, moves in and turns my life right-side-up
Interminable potty training, gallons of “Nature’s Miracle”
A heart of gold

Life in progress,
Beloved students infuse daily laughter, mountains of prep, marking, and concern
Calling 911, there happen to be 4 teenage girls smoking drugs in the lane…
Oh hey, two of them I know by name
Dial their VP while the cop chases them around the block
Teaching, sleepless nights, germ pools, report cards, conferences and burn-out

Summers off,
Africa, France, Scotland, Mount Baker, the Okanagan,
Daily beach strolls, UBC, Big Brother, and Netflix binges

More, holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, milestones, graduations
A Maine Coon or 2 or 3 move in over the years…
Empty nest syndrome as children leave for university
Tragedies, existential crisis, grieving for family
Writing, healing,
Renewed hope and vigour,
Community, university,

The ebb and flow of personal folklore

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