McKeen Ass. 2 Proxy Poem

You, charging up that hill


Heedless immoderate thing, sturdy terracotta child

You fall often, but seldom cry


And often I tell you, Sometimes you gotta eat the pain.

Sometimes you gotta surf it


You run with your eyes your arms your heart

flung open

You run downhill too fast

You will be crushed

in a thousand different ways but


I remember I didn’t care either when

I was a sun-gilded Belleek earth baby

Greedy hungry thing


Falling is not the same as being pushed you tell me

the night of your grievous pain

and you shake with sorrow in your chest and

I shake with murder in mine


You tell me you will fling it all open again

You already know you’re not done running

You are not made of glass, or china or terracotta

He hasn’t killed you

Pinched out your flame with careless fingers


No one will see this part but you, is what you tell me


Helpless, I speak to your bowed head

Eat the pain.

Or surf it.

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