Remix Renga Poem – “A Guilty Appetite”

Underneath the hugest mouth of clouds there lived an Archangel.

Within a briar of thorns lived his nemesis the Demon.

The Demon, with eyes glowing, loved to feast on only the most sweet, plump, and gentle of children.

The children tasted as sweet as flowers, plump as a plum, and gentle as a floss.

What a way to go on a road trip – “lets do it again!”

Order comes from madness.

As a result of my dog’s madness, the entire town feared their demise,

And headed straight towards fiery blades,

which reached over the Egyptian pyramids, and under the illuminating moonlight.

“How else could it have been?” he asked.

“It could have been the way it was meant to be” he concluded.

Better than 50 year old Scotch.

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