Winckler Assignment two

Winckler Assignment two – LLED 445

Proxy Poem:


I who am safe

Cozy in my apartment

Who comes home each day to see

everything I could ever need

Ponder that these were men,

Who slaved in rain and snow

Who feared for their lives every day

Who risked life for a sip of soup

Who lived or died at a right or a left

Ponder that these were women,

Without identity or image

Without a will to go on

No ability to reproduce a future

like a single animal ripped of their mate

Refuse to forget that this has happened

These words have been commended to me

I have tattooed them on my soul

When I am home, when I am on the streets

When I’m with friends or students or colleagues

Repeat them to every ear that will listen

Or may I lose my rights

My ability to speak or listen

And the world turn its face on me.

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