Lemon_ Assignment 2 Proxy Poem

This is a photograph of her

It was taken some time last night.
At first it seems to be,
a filtered,
insta snap: lines blurred with Valencia.
Four girls, night out.

Then, as you scan
it, you see smiles brightened with filters
shiny hair, tanned skin perfect angels, all part of the
(well-conceived lie) emerging,
their bodies twisted to the right,
hiding places of insecurity and body
shame, keeping-up with the appearances.

In the background there are her acquaintances,
Followers, likers, but not her friends.

(This photo was taken,
the day after she drowned.

She is in the lake, in the center
Of her followers, deep under their screens.

It is hard to say when
exactly, or to say
how, she lost herself online:
the effect of likes
on her is a distortion

but if you look long enough,
you may see her unedited, unfiltered, self.)


Leana Lemon

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