Poem for 9th August 2017

Let’s Me Try and Work This Out

by Antony José Ma Junior.


We can work it out

So sang Lennon & McCartney

With a general UK English accent

Having shed their enigmatic Scouse accent

The main thing is to be able to understand each other

especially when ordering food and drinks

I mean you don’t want to end up getting octopus arsehole soup

and nocturnal potatoes that disappear from your plate on a late night meal

the Irish potato famine is nothing to make fun about

but the very concept of Billy Connolly’s nocturnal potatoes

does remind me of Tipperary on the Eternal Emerald Isle,

someplace that a vacuous, malodorous, mentally deranged git like me

might, just might, end up in retirement,

and end up speaking in peculiar vocabulary

rife with heavy nasal intonation and phlegm.

My name is António José

commonly known as Antony

and I now regret refusing to update my Mac OS X

because I am the only bird who looks like he has swallowed a plate

to have no speech to text function on my Mac

which everybody else with an UPDATED Mac has in my class,

feeling very low about this,

so I’ll share most kind and gracious Beth’s importantly updated Mac

and learn my lesson

to never mention the War

like Basil Fawlty did,

if indeed he did learn his lesson

which I truly doubt.

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