A Reform to Education?

I sit in my Social Studies classroom with many students behind me

Gazing through the windows that bind me,

Walls so high I cannot find me,

With thoughts so influential I know other students will mind me.

We speak about the planet and global warming as a kind breed,

Yet on every single day this seed of knowledge confines me.

Because how can we be educated,

From our seats when in reality really,

Every day we come to class listening,

To our beats that have nothing to do with info,

That informs me of the world around me,

But instead misinforms the mind that lies within.


We are part of a larger institution,

That sets out to free and liberate us all,

But yet, when our thoughts don’t converge they deliberate with us.

It is as if they are trying to,

Configure us, but what they don’t realize is what they,

Are really doing is disfiguring us.

In fact, we are all measured on a standardized testing scale,

According to which if we don’t memorize we are a fail.

But is the percentage on the top of my paper,

Really an indicator of my success?

Because really this is all a really big ugly mess,

Had I had another minute I could have,

Performed my best, the predictor,

Is just a test.


Don’t drive to school, and cut down on,

Usage of greenhouse gases, and power,

Turn off all lights when not in the room,

But then why do they not turnoff the classroom overhead,

It has been decades by now, shouldn’t that,

Have already been long dead?

I guess what I am trying to say,

Is there not another method by which we can be feed?

Because there are only so many videos I can,

Watch on good old TED,

But what does this have to do with med,

This class is so boring I would,

Rather go to bed, but instead I’ll walk home,

In my Keds, because this info has led me,

To believe, do your part or this planet will be dead.


Can you imagine how amazing classrooms would be if we were really allowed to breath?

Without any constraints or restrictions by teachers on how to be the lead.

Only freedom of speech and individuality,

That suits and prepares us for the world around us.

Information that really informs us about the,

Larger, social world that really surrounds all of us.


What I am calling for is reform,

Of an education,

That is now long outdated,

To one that is now more current.

Because it is time,

To now give the students back the power,

To take control of their,

Own education, in which they,

Promote their own interests and unique passions,

By which means they choose to live their life.

So maybe it is time that we,

Step back, and allow students to take control,

And learn in a way, in which they feel liberated,

Educated, knowledgeable, and free.

A classroom where students feel at ease, and at great peace,

Where they are not converging, but informing

That should be school.



Stanza 1: 12 lines

18 syllables

9 syllables

8 syllables

16 syllables

16 syllables

15 syllables

9 syllables

11 syllables

9 syllables

11 syllables

10 syllables

11 syllables


Stanza 2: 14 lines

11 syllables

11 syllables

15 syllables

9 syllables

13 syllables

11 syllables

15 syllables

15 syllables

13 syllables

11 syllables

14 syllables

11 syllables

8 syllables

4 syllables


Stanza 3: 14 lines

8 syllables

10 syllables

10 syllables

13 syllables

10 syllables

7 syllables

9 syllables

14 syllables

13 syllables

5 syllables

9 syllables

8 syllables

11 syllables

11 syllables


Stanza 4 : 6 lines

22 syllables

19 syllables

14 syllables

12 syllables

13 syllables

13 syllables


Stanza 5: 17 lines

8 syllables

6 syllables

7 syllables

8 syllables

5 syllables

10 syllables

6 syllables

8 syllables

11 syllables

9 syllables

8 syllables

9 syllables

12 syllables

11 syllables

13 syllables

11 syllables

4 syllables

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