Language Workbench Poem

BUTT AY halve hadd mei phil
Of the SUMMAR’ESSE myths and fables galore,
NOH morr leight nite escapes upp tue the shorr.
NIGHTS gau buy and I here the laughs, sew shrill
And carefree, knot tired ohr full of fright.
AYE mite
FOUR what it’ESS wurth,
Take SOMER bak into mei embrace, werry
Of the deceit, lise, and deceptions yett
TWO bee unearthed.
WON caen no what troubles mee,
The longing in mai voice must make it cleere.
WAI must it b
SEW, that the brite SUMMORS of yesteryear,
Long, dreamy, full of excitement and glee,
ENDE with a dim sunset.

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