Author Archives: infectiousliterature

Proxy Poem


by Hannah T


You always text about it:

The girl who Instagrams her life away

Who hits one million followers

From creating Barbie faces in a basement to Ellen.

That story.


Or the one on the train

Who toils away serving others, night and day.

One snap and his life changes.

From chai walla to Starbucks sipper.

That story.


Or the gamer

Sitting in his room all day,

When an idea dawns on him.

From sweatpants and ordering Domino’s to tech tycoon ordering Panago.

That story.


Or the single mother

Cleaning vomit stains from clothes.

Who smashes the baby product market with a new toy

Can now afford a babysitter.

From greasy hair to hair that’s worth it.

That story.


Inspired by Anne Sexton’s Cinderella

Remix Renga poem



Crashes right beside the hugest

Thing that creates the bookworm along with the tea

Then lead slippery, oily, coily worm

Slimy like a newborn centipede.


Turtles are slow.

Hence, they win races.


Tiresome Teachers assign poems on love

Under trees, in times of trouble.

There’s that place that I wondered why I so rarely visited.

“Don’t get robbed,”

The mother exclaimed

Move superlative then comparative.

I begin to sense something of nonsense in this poem, hence…