Author Archives: nick

Baby Darling Johnny Cash

Emily friend don’t

between incident doesn’t keep going back

correcting stuff your voice because tender boys

friends with just sitting Technology just about your existence

call baby darling Johnny Cash

case together ether culminating

this together call Mike sound

want mini lesson invested

want someone

tested vested dementia friends

around know you’ve splits

still what Scott play song don’t know

believe love master

looks great

women aids coming messed

looks great

women woman really baby beep

baby yeah baby baby beep beep dude

baby baby calista Flockhart doing baby baby

Lockhart crazy baby really want

Question aren’t crazy beanie baby baby

large breasted beanie baby baby sorry

Kimberly Brendan Tran Heather friend Emily

friend friend shutting just remark.

Proxy Poem: When I Consider How My Mind is Spent

When I Consider How My Mind is Spent

When I consider how my mind is bent,
Ere most my life in this turnt sea and tide,
And that small gold which is key to thrive
Bound in me useless, though my heart more set
To fold within my Nature, and make seen
My own story, lest he upturnt reply,
“Doth life require clear skies, clarity denied?”
I humbly ask. But Knowing, to upset
That rumour, swift replies: “Life needs not
Either man’s unchanged mind or dyed eyes: His peace
Is nightly; generations at his bidding pry
Enlightenment from a clean slate, a hinged life:
They also thrive who in dreaming, are released.


I was underneath the hugest piñata, nervous,

clinging gingerly to my think tank,

well oiled, slick, sludgelike,

thick as chocolate pudding

fresh from the fridge.

Food storage is very philosophical,

yet many who use it are decidedly not.

I am handsome like a young Stalin

up and at ‘me, before long

when everyone else is asleep

and i shout “wake up!”

my voice, prettier and voicier than my enemies would have you think.

Phoneme poem – Portal

Back there, up the stairs and down the hall
Lies a portal to anywhere
You want to go.
Where insignificant human 029395
Has reincarnated into a thousand different lives.

Hacker, athlete, vengeful god, and explorer
Of both space and time,
I have saved more lives
And cost more
Than anyone in this current reality.

I have righted more wrongs
And inspired more songs
Than Beowolf or Warf combined.

This inconspicuous lego-brick
Of pre-WW2 housing,
Quiet lives on repeat,
Orderly, silent, and neat,
Hides within it epic shit
Worthy of a bardic recording
And your best bit of green.


(restricted by the limits of tablet technology, this poem was recorded by voice and I was unable to upload the audio to the blog.  Just picture the dulcet tones of my chipmunk voice skittering through these lines.)


How it’s made

Start by grabbing the plumbus by its gleeb
Next, rub the gleeb to release the fingles
We’ll need the fingles later.
Now, turn the gleeb counterclockwise,
This will activate the stoob without overheating the gleeb.
The stoob now locks in position to allow the pingslot room to breathe.
Pass the plumbus over the water trough, and dunk it in the porseball.
Now, take the fingles and attach them to the plumbus near the base,
Unhinge the stoob and roll a farnstock over the gleeb three times.
Now the plumbus is ready for the final step.
Cover the plumbus in stoffle shavings,
and it’s ready to eat.
Be careful not to stimulate the gleeb while you eat, or the fingles will become bitter and expand, deflating the stoob.

I Want My MTV

You asked me to do this
You did this to all of us.
You subjected these nice people to my inner monologue
That i’ve been privately enjoying for years.
Get ready for a string of tangentially associated pop culture references
And echoes of times when i had feelings and let them lead me.

Girl i’ll be your loose-seal,
Take your hand,
And Blue myself.

Girl i’ll be your Han Solo,
combat attack a Hutt compound,
Awaken your force.

I’ll be your white walker,
Warm you through the long night,
Heck i’ll even hold the door.

Cause you rick my morty,
I mask your greatness,
Meseeks to assist you in any timeline.

You’ve pulled back the curtain
On a collage of random shit
I find funny
And use as a social litmus test.

My sisters were music snobs,
You and I speak visual arts,
Specifically some degree of screen,
Serial, episodic joy and misery.

I want my mtv
To start playing hour long dramas.