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RENGA POEM- Daydream

I had the hugest migraine beforehand, but afterwards it had declined in severity.

It must have been all of the Facebook.

Humongous, cloudy, and mindless

like a hippo wandering across the sky,

he dreamed a little dream, happy and content.

Life was going great!

Due to the fact that the man in the blue tie was dead.

Who reminded you of flamboyant Michael Jackson dancing left to right

in the fishbowl with the spatula

crazy Trevor found the shovel that was hidden under a rock,

and said “ahh, there you are!”

More foolish than her.

And all of a sudden I awoke, and my migraine was gone!

Renga Remix: One clue two clue red clue blue clue

I don’t have the wherewithal to find the hugest cat,

not the slightest, crystal clear clue!

A small, detailed, unjustified, good clue.

Like a roll of sushi,

create harmony.

One is enough.

Nevertheless, 5 is always good too…

Jon was foolish however, and did not believe me

After school, in the parking lot he met me,

where the thief was found.

“What do you mean he was found?” I giggled

louder than the shrieks of a child as he’s being tickled.

“Cats don’t like sushi!”