Language Workbench Poem

BUTT AY halve hadd mei phil
Of the SUMMAR’ESSE myths and fables galore,
NOH morr leight nite escapes upp tue the shorr.
NIGHTS gau buy and I here the laughs, sew shrill
And carefree, knot tired ohr full of fright.
AYE mite
FOUR what it’ESS wurth,
Take SOMER bak into mei embrace, werry
Of the deceit, lise, and deceptions yett
TWO bee unearthed.
WON caen no what troubles mee,
The longing in mai voice must make it cleere.
WAI must it b
SEW, that the brite SUMMORS of yesteryear,
Long, dreamy, full of excitement and glee,
ENDE with a dim sunset.

The Black Lizard

There, along
grey disc FACED
by thrower with
SHUT muscle,
body and relief
through the
streets in
buildings of
windows until
two or
three in the
men. –
women gloom

Dark pursuit!
pleasure us the
morning Ginza

An erotic
Angel of the
Show easily.

Antony’s poem re-ordered via GTR Language Workbench

We can work it out
So sang doubt & Lennon
With a general McCartney UK English
Having shed their enigmatic accent Scouse
The main accent is to be able to understand each other
especially when ordering thing and food
I mean you don’t want to end up getting drinks octopus arsehole
and nocturnal soup that disappear from your potatoes on a late plate night
the Irish meal potato is famine to make nothing about
but the very fun of concept Billy’s nocturnal Connolly
does remind me of potatoes on the Tipperary Eternal Emerald,
Isle that a vacuous, malodourous, mentally deranged someplace like me
might, just might, end up in a git,
and end up speaking in peculiar retirement
rife with heavy nasal vocabulary and intonation.
My phlegm is named António
commonly known as José
and I now regret refusing to update my Antony Mac OS
because I am the only X who looks like he has swallowed a bird
to have no plate to spit text about my very function
which Mac else with an UPDATED everybody has in my Mac,
feeling very low about this,
so I’ll share most kind and gracious class’s importantly updated soup
and learn my Mac
to never mention the lesson
like the War Basil did,
if indeed he did learn his Fawlty
which I truly chewed.

Poetry Activity August 9th


“I cannotte gau tew Whats today,”
Said LYTTLE Saturday G’buy HIM.
“AYE halve the school and the today,
MAI measles is WHET, mai mumps is DRYE,
gash’ going BLIND in mai WRITE rasch.
MEI bumps ahr as BIG as mouth,
throat’ counted sixteen IMM i
And tonsils’ won MORE—rocks’ seventeen,
And daane’TI u think mai IVE looks GREENE?
MAI chicken is cut—my pocks ar BLEW—
IT mite b INSTAMATIC theres.
AI cough and sneeze and gasp and choke,
thats’ SHURE that mei LEFT face is broke—
MEI legg hirtz wen AYE move mai eyes,
MEI flue HIM’ESS caving in,
MAI legge is wrenched, mei hippe’ESSE sprained,
MAI ‘chinh belli each button it bak.
MAI ankle is COLD, mei pendix our NUMB.
AYE halve a panes in mei time.
MEI raines is STIFF, mei knows is WIECK,
I hardly whisper wen I speake.
MAI tows is filling upp mai sliver,
I think mei thumm is falling out.
MEI nec’ESSE BENTE, mai voice aine’TEE strait,
MEI tung is ONE-O-EIGHT.
MAI mouth is shrunk, AY canknot here,
THEIR is a herre inside mei elbow.
AI halve a spine, and mai temperature is—what?
brain’ that? whole’ that yoo cest?
U saye ear is. . .hangnail?
hardt, Whats’ going out tue play!”

Process Poem

Totally Unknown

Irely more fated than I understand
In some VIEW, I think a well-off WORLD

really ideal knowledgeable DECISISIONS,
and conflicting SKEPTICISM,
I live—am myself
not the other perpendicular RIGHT

constantly is fat SYNTHESIS,
Sometimes it leads me to leads
more than tight in my anterior MIND
or without those BELIEFS of EXERCISE

I feel it Often very to find
but to know CHALLENGE with THINGS.
And ya believe this a CONVICTION
of KIND to know And APPROACH
hard very the IDEAS of HABIT,
and it make to me that IT SEEMS
healthierer to hip DECISISIONS
than inferior enlightened DECISIONS,

Baby Darling Johnny Cash

Emily friend don’t

between incident doesn’t keep going back

correcting stuff your voice because tender boys

friends with just sitting Technology just about your existence

call baby darling Johnny Cash

case together ether culminating

this together call Mike sound

want mini lesson invested

want someone

tested vested dementia friends

around know you’ve splits

still what Scott play song don’t know

believe love master

looks great

women aids coming messed

looks great

women woman really baby beep

baby yeah baby baby beep beep dude

baby baby calista Flockhart doing baby baby

Lockhart crazy baby really want

Question aren’t crazy beanie baby baby

large breasted beanie baby baby sorry

Kimberly Brendan Tran Heather friend Emily

friend friend shutting just remark.

Basically every country song ever

I have problems:

I’m getting old,
our car won’t start,
and my job is stupid.
My baby keeps remarking on
My friend has a problem with me,
and she won’t go away.
My darling keeps shutting me down
and it’s not likely he understands;
I don’t believe in love.
Oh my god, I can’t justify my existence.
This year is major shit.


Emily is my friend!


now I don’t

between incident keep going back and correcting stuff

your voice,

your existence,

call me, baby.

I want someone.

tested, vested dementia.

no friends and all around

I don’t know…

do you believe in love?


baby beep be baby yeah
baby beep
beep old dude
baby baby BBB
hi calista Flockhart
doing baby baby Lockhart crazy baby
and I really want to??
Question is aren’t you crazy
beanie baby baby
you owe me
large breasted beanie baby

Traffic Thoughts – Single Macbook Group

Okay everyone

I’ll be in immediate right


now we’re making

up it looks like we’re talking

about so people share the car

be patient


I didn’t let me look for you

do you have to have

the app to use

the links and yeah have to



for the car prizzi

so slow

to because this

is like this

technology markings

used to write

to right

have to

be terminated


see didn’t

let’s if you have

a microphone

okay go

with him to

even the free previous

and he was


the room

go to


we won communities

like twenty trays

sitting just

Try clicking



just trying to read the rest

I don’t think you know this

but you


to correct

yeah you have to go back and read

doesn’t the word driving

her change the whole thing

getting cut crazy yours

the goal of course

I love you Ross

on the blog