Poem for 9th August 2017

Let’s Me Try and Work This Out

by Antony José Ma Junior.


We can work it out

So sang Lennon & McCartney

With a general UK English accent

Having shed their enigmatic Scouse accent

The main thing is to be able to understand each other

especially when ordering food and drinks

I mean you don’t want to end up getting octopus arsehole soup

and nocturnal potatoes that disappear from your plate on a late night meal

the Irish potato famine is nothing to make fun about

but the very concept of Billy Connolly’s nocturnal potatoes

does remind me of Tipperary on the Eternal Emerald Isle,

someplace that a vacuous, malodorous, mentally deranged git like me

might, just might, end up in retirement,

and end up speaking in peculiar vocabulary

rife with heavy nasal intonation and phlegm.

My name is António José

commonly known as Antony

and I now regret refusing to update my Mac OS X

because I am the only bird who looks like he has swallowed a plate

to have no speech to text function on my Mac

which everybody else with an UPDATED Mac has in my class,

feeling very low about this,

so I’ll share most kind and gracious Beth’s importantly updated Mac

and learn my lesson

to never mention the War

like Basil Fawlty did,

if indeed he did learn his lesson

which I truly doubt.

Emily is my friend is my friend is my friend

Emily is my friend.


now I don’t.

the between incident doesn’t keep going back and correcting stuff: your voice – because of the tender of my boys  – are you.

friends with any.

just sitting.

Technology  – just about your existence (call me baby, darling)

Johnny Cash, culminating in this together!

call Mike.


want a mini lesson? I invested and I want someone in the US and tested vested dementia.

no friends and all around. know you’ve split, but still  – what is Scott playing at?

“do the song.”

“I don’t know, do you believe in love my master of looks?  great for women…or aids.”


be coming!

messed, it looks great for women…or aids for a woman.

BB, really baby, beep!

be baby, yeah baby baby

beep beep!

old dude, baby baby, BBB!

hi calista Flockhart.

doing baby baby

Lockhart crazy baby

and I really want to??

Question is: aren’t you crazy?

beanie baby baby

you owe me large breasted beanie baby baby,

sorry Kimberly and Brendan, Tran, and Heather!

my friend Emily is my friend, is my friend shutting,

she’s not just any large breasted Emily

is my friend.

Polka dot Group

Yeah and I don’t know what’s out there’s a few things on buggy sure what do so he can my family how’s it going to opened up dictation so that was my off-site meeting you guys is it working particularly well-versed in it maybe that able use their hands are there are other words that delete previous things like keywords I think it’s working better when you’re awaiting your hand how loud I’m speaking order to get it very the End the end is near function functions except the basement what basement what basement that HelloGo

Nick’s Group

Emily is my friend no now I don’t the between incident doesn’t keep going back and correcting stuff your voice because of the tender of my boys are you friends with any just sitting Technology just about your existence call me baby darling Johnny Cash the case together  ether I culminating in this together call Mike sound want a mini lesson I invested I want someone in the US and tested vested dementia no friends and all around know do you’ve splits but still what is Scott play a do the song I don’t know do you believe in love my master of looks great for women or aids  old be coming messed it looks great for women or aid for a woman BB really baby beep  be baby yeah baby baby beep beep old dude baby baby BBB hi calista Flockhart doing baby baby   Lockhart crazy baby and I really want to??  Question is aren’t you crazy beanie baby baby  you owe me large breasted beanie baby baby sorry Kimberly and Brendan Tran and Heather is my friend Emily is my friend is my friend shutting  she’s not just any remark on large breasted Emily is my friend Sean   time just favorite team

Proxy Poem for The Witnesses

In hallways crowded lanes

Most immersed in their phones

March future ones who train

With ideal plans and loans


Here registrar collects

Weighted with hopefuls facts

Whose objective reflects

Continuing contracts


Freed from UBC short

Beyond reproach of deans

Skip new minted cohorts

Two thousand seventeens


Across all areas

Students stare at futures

Princ’ples, Big Ideas

We are future teachers!


In District classroom halls,

Euro-centric learnings

Our cause to shelve and call

First Principles teachings



Multi-modal students

Do not teach the canons

They’ll choose the Presidents


Critical Reflections

Bridge class, society

Form engaged citizens

State schools Propriety


We cross curriculae

Well-being of learners

Prepare stu’s for their day

We are future teachers!

Proxy Poem


by Hannah T


You always text about it:

The girl who Instagrams her life away

Who hits one million followers

From creating Barbie faces in a basement to Ellen.

That story.


Or the one on the train

Who toils away serving others, night and day.

One snap and his life changes.

From chai walla to Starbucks sipper.

That story.


Or the gamer

Sitting in his room all day,

When an idea dawns on him.

From sweatpants and ordering Domino’s to tech tycoon ordering Panago.

That story.


Or the single mother

Cleaning vomit stains from clothes.

Who smashes the baby product market with a new toy

Can now afford a babysitter.

From greasy hair to hair that’s worth it.

That story.


Inspired by Anne Sexton’s Cinderella