Going Where No Commercial has Gone Before… Woof!

Purina, a Nestlé company that sells dog food, has taken a brilliant step by marketing dog food… to dogs. Purina’s new TV ad will feature different noises that capture the attention of both owner and pet: toy-like squeaks, and high-pitched tones will alert dogs during the commercial, and Purina hopes that having pets run to the television screen will coerce owners to buy the Purina brand of dog food.


Rightfully, many see the ad as ingenious marketing. I see it differently. Purina’s simple ad sets a precedent by going beyond the limitations of commercials. The commercial takes flashing pixels and a message, and translates both into the physical world of your living room. Purina is engaging the average person (and dog) where they are remarkable unengaged.

It has happened in the past: touchscreen transformed the computer, video games transformed the TV, and augmented reality transformed mobile devices. These all share a common goal: interactivity.

To make something interactive, when it has usually not been interactive, is a complex achievement. Purina does it very simply and effectively. In 6 months, I strongly believe that this will be a marketing staple, thought of as “it’s so easy, why wasn’t it thought of earlier?”


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