Get Mobile, Get Rich


It seems like common sense that smartphones and tablets will out-sell personal computers in the next year. Ten years ago, the PC was the end-all of business technology needs; why would anyone need or bother to deal with something new? Well, we see the outcome being played out in real time.


The Economist’s Special Report on Personal Computers affirms that technology is indeed heading towards an ultimate goal: smart mobility.

The Impact

Mobility is an asset. Mobility can give detailed, accurate, and timely information, thus simplifying supply chains; mobility can increase job flexibility and thus satisfaction; mobility can be an access point for your customer.

Some even predict this explosion in tech can “win the jobs war.

So What?

As a business student, I am truly lucky to have grown up beside rapid technological improvement. Taking from our lesson on MIS and BTM, a company gives itself security and opportunity if it can “ride the waves” of fads. Seeing the expansion of the internet, PC’s, cell-phones, and now mobile “smart devices” has taught me an important business principle: prepare for change and structure for flexibility, because nothing ever stays the same.

I suspect that technological mobility will become a staple in business. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sauder offers an “Efficient Technology in Business” course in the next few years.

Wise future businesspeople, take note. Here’s a fad for you.

4 thoughts on “Get Mobile, Get Rich

  1. Pingback: Get Mobile, Get Rich… | Business Fundamentals Section 104

  2. I am totally with the principle you raised, “prepare for change and structure for flexibility, because nothing ever stays the same.” Some people say that the innovation of technology guide people’s demand. That is true because our demand trend changes every time when a big innovation shows up. For example, when PC came to the world, people rushed to buy PC. When smart phone came to the world, people started to abandon simple phone. But I think it is people’s demand that stimulates the innovation of technology. I also suspect that people’s demand can be constrained by technological mobility for a long time because people’s demand is expanding all the time. However, based on the current situation, “Get mobile, get rich” is doable!

  3. Pingback: Blog Comments #1 “Get Mobile, Get Rich” | Money never sleeps

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