(w)rote memory

“Merely running one’s eyes over the written pages is not reading at all, for the writing must be transferred into memory, from graphemes on parchment or papyrus or paper to images written in one’s brain by emotion and sense.” (Carruthers[*])

Memory goes beyond exact verbatim recall, just as writing goes beyond the simple word for word transcription of speech.

Memory is the ability to hold and manipulate thoughts, to make associations and to create knowledge.  The H-LAM/T uses the memory aids available in his culture to augment his ability to carry out this complex work.

In oral cultures, the poet flexibly uses his repertoire of patterned speech to create a new poem with each re-telling.

The literate scholar uses the visual space of the page to trigger memories and associations.

The knowledge worker in the computer age manipulates and reorganizes hypertext to reveal new associations.

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