People Everywhere, but That’s O.K.—group-of-people-working-together-thumb7235478.jpg


With the world population ever-growing and it expecting to hit 9 billion by 2050, it may seem as though we can ill-afford to keep on reproducing. With our “20 billion chickens and four billion cattle, sheep and pigs”, can the Earth really take too much more punishment from us?

Of course it can! Since the 1960s, the world’s growth population has just about halved while even though our population has doubled in the past 50 or so years, people’s overall standard of living has improved. Respective to the growth of population over the past 13 years, which is by a billion, the number of people living below the poverty line actually lessened by a third.

What I’m trying to say is, even though we should be aware of what we are doing to the earth, we do not have to worry about sustainability of our race for the near future. As more people are added to this world, more innovation is created, and we have actually tripled total harvest in the worlds top 3 crops over the past 60 years. It seems as though that with increased population comes increased prosperity. This leads to many people’s question, sustainability. It is not organic farming that will save us, but it is what will ultimately ruin us. If all people did was farm organically, or old-fashioned, than the land used to produce crops would triple in what is actually is today. What has to be done instead is a further development of technology and science to keep updating our techniques. If those are kept in check, then I’m sure that the world would have no problem in sustaining another billion people while still balance industries with nature.


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