Aiming High


Staying on our topic, it does seem, as the title suggests, that universities are now aiming higher than ever. However, is this a feasible goal?

As our world continues to expand and develop in all aspects, globalization has become a hot topic. It seems that for one to be successful in any field, globalization is a must. This takes forms in establishing locations around the world, selling products internationally or outsourcing just to name a few. This rapid means of expansion means that universities students have now higher expectations than ever to each emerge with a degree and become a leader. With that being said, funding is becoming a growing issue for universities as these institutions are trying to provide a more diversified and pertinent education to its students.

Taking into account the lack of funding, I do believe that university students today are each capable of innovation for they have to tools to do it. Being a student at UBC, I must disagree with the 53% of people who think what we are learning is not preparing us for a career. At the end of the day, of course there are more expectations of us but that is to be expected as the quality of education increases and thus competition becomes more fierce. In such a situation, all we can aim for is the moon.


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