Making Green by Green Means

It seems like as industries grow and as our society develops, corporate social responsibility is becoming a large focus of, well, the whole world.

Only a few hundred years ago, the face of the earth was changed by the Industrial Revolution. Cities boomed as innovation lit the sky and provided jobs to many. New technology popped up everywhere and all seemed well until another hundred years later, people looked up at the sky and realized that the sun was hardly visible.

Today, we look not only to businesses, firms and so on to provide us with the tools of tomorrow but also to do it in a sustainable manner. Not only are companies expected to be innovative, efficient and productive, they now have to scrutinize their emissions as well so as to not violate health standards. Do these seem like fair expectations?

Yes. For as we advance, so must our ways and not only should we protect the environment which gives us all we need, but we have the means to do it. Companies just need to worry less about profits and consider the fact that, if they over-pollute the environment, then in the future, there will be no where to make that profit. Just think of it as an investment.

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