Golden Oil Boom

Oils seems to be all we’re hearing about these days and the trends still does not stop here. In the farm fields of Saskatchewan, another kind of oil boom is happening, canola.

Developed from the a form of genetically modified rapeseed, canola has become Canada’s newest legacy; joining the ranks of maple syrup and the ever-popular “eh”. Now known as a super crop, the seed yields not only more and healthier oil but also doubles as a high-protein fodder. With all these benefits, more farmers are now jumping on the canola band wagon. Canola oil, derived from Canada oil low acid, has shocked the agricultural market and in 2010, the crop yielded 5.6 billion in sales, surpassing the 3.5 billion of wheat.

Along with helping farmers earn a better bang-for-their-buck, canola is also helping create jobs within the country since processing this grain goes through many specialized companies.

Overall, the development of canola back in the 1980s has helped many farmers keep their farmland and do what they do best. Its kept a tradition alive and rejuvenated a slowing trade. Farmers now see growing potential instead of a dying tradition and will keep on growing this super crop while we, as consumers, keep on consuming.


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