License to Print Money?

As the cost of education is rising, shouldn’t its payoff rise as well?

According to universities, a bachelor’s degree is worth a million dollars over its holder’s lifetime but about 1 in 5 Canadians with those degrees have earnings that are below the average income.

These days, university has become a must in society. Where a high school diploma could get you 20 years ago now requires a bachelor’s degree. University is not only for the keenest and most outstanding students or the high-achieving scholars anymore but is more commonplace than ever. Kids are expected to attend a university after high school whereas before, it was more of an aspiration that high school graduates had to work for. So with the increase of students flooding into universities each year, knowledge now does not seem to be as valuable as before.

What we forget though is that universities are still businesses, and as businesses, these establishments of knowledge have grown complacent over time. They feel as though people today must attend university to move forward in life but as we all know, that is a far stretch from the truth. What they should do instead is reach out and inform the public, more than ever, of the benefits of a higher education and how it can be a valuable tool in attaining wealth, happiness and satisfaction later in life.



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2 thoughts on “License to Print Money?

  1. This is a very interesting topic, Long, since both of us are currently university students ourselves! I came into university being told that it would definitely provide me with a easier lifestyle after I graduate. I have honestly realized that attending university does not guarantee one a more successful life after the many tough years. I know of many who do not have a university or even high school education who are very well off. Not to say that not receiving an education guarantees benefits, however as the populate is growing rapidly, and many are receiving the same education, the chances of one standing out is limited. University in my opinion is now becoming like high school; you are expected to attend university after you graduate from your previous institution. This shows how an university education or diploma is depreciating in value. Having a diploma is not as unique as before. I believe that on top of an university education, one must aim to go beyond, approach opportunities, and aim to be unique in a good way. That is one of my values in life, and I hope to reach it.

  2. Sorry for the late response my friend, but first off, thank you for taking the time and reading this.
    I do understand what you mean and definitely a higher education is now worth less than ever in such a fast-paced society. However, what choice do we have, right? The paths seem to be either work after high school or attend university. For those odd geniuses, they can become an entrepreneur and grow their ideas into multi-million dollar empires.
    I do strongly agree with your goal and values and I too hope to stand out. Here’s to 4 years of post-secondary education that will get us somewhere.

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