Can Dissatisfaction Revolutionize?


Why is it that as more young adults are receiving and graduating with higher education, somehow, overall job satisfaction has been constantly falling?

According to a poll conducted by the polling company Woman Trend, 43% of Americans aged 18-29 are unhappy with their current job. This is leading to a large percentage of young adults postponing important aspects of their lives such as buying a house or starting a family.

This gap between the education of the employee and the job they possess is due to the fact that higher education is becoming common place and that there is a large gap present between the lucrative and rewarding jobs and those that require no more than simple hand-eye coordination. Furthermore, there are few intermediate jobs to fill said void.

Although not much can seem to be done in the present, examples throughout history have proved that unsatisfied people will sooner or later band together and force change. In this case, educated, motivated and innovative young adults such as we of this generation will find solutions to this current crisis when the threshold is reached. Until then, we can only strive to aim for even higher education to satiate the requirements of those demanding employers.


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