
Entrepreneurs, as we call them nowadays, have always been the innovators driving change throughout the threads of our society.

Very recently, the technology era has taken another step forward, online shopping. According to data, 70% of consumers do research online before going into the actual store. Revenues of billions of dollars are brought in directly through online sales annually. However, trillions of dollars are brought in indirectly through online advertisement and online sources. This new wave is driven further by the advancement of the smartphone. Now people can simply reach into their pockets and receive all the information they need.

Although this is indeed a breakthrough in how we shop and acquire information, it also provides a potential issue; one addressed in many Hollywood films such as The Matrix. Though machines will not be taking over the world anytime soon, it can and already has lead to complacency in how people operate. As addressed by the issue of “slacktivism”, thanks to modern technology, people no longer have to spend their time and have a physical presence to protest something. All it takes now is the click of a mouse. So how do we find the right balance between technology and nature? Well, as long as people have the natural instinct to be physically productive and find satisfaction in tangible activities, that issue will not be needing much attention anytime soon.


Original article:–1976/






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