Can Twitter Learn From Facebook?


There is no doubt Facebook and Twitter have become the Goliaths of social media in the last few years. Between the two, over $5 billion in ad sales revenue was generated in the last year alone.

While Facebook has already hit the stock market, Twitter has yet to do so; and rightly so. In just the 4 months after Facebook’s IPO, it lost half its market value due to a price set far too high by their market advisers and financial chief. The CFO of Twitter, Ali Rowghani, has made it clear that he does not want to make the same mistake Facebook did last spring but Twitter will inevitably make its IPO in the future. In the meantime, Twitter will be fending off fierce competition from other social networking sites like LinkedIn.

Rowghani has been with Twitter since early 2010 and has lead the implementation of its first advertising services as well as the international ventures that have valued Twitter at $8 billion. It will be interesting to see what move Rowghani will make next. While Twitter is holding off on making a public debut, it seems like the right next step for the micro blogging service. It will be imperative to learn from Facebook’s mistakes.

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