Carbon Neutral Supply Chain

In keeping with their company philosophy, TOTO USA has teamed up with UPS to further reduce the environmental impact. TOTO designs and manufactures innovative and sustainable water fixtures like faucets and rain showers. To get a product to your door, a lot of energy has to go into transporting it. In order to remove this carbon footprint, UPS has applied TOTO’s sustainable philosophy by having a completely environmentally neutral delivery process. UPS achieves this by calculating a delivery’s environmental impact and purchases enough offsets to reduce it to zero.


I think its great that TOTO and UPS are doing this. It shows great integrity in regards to keeping with company core values and philosophies. These actions are even more respectable especially when there are no direct cost reduction or revenue increase from it. However, as the western world becomes more aware of “green” practices, initiatives like this may gain popularity over cheaper non “green” services and products.

Currently, few businesses have a carbon neutral supply chain purely because of the cost aspect. TOTO and UPS are leading the way to a future where only supply chains of this kind are accepted. Hopefully, that future is not too far away.

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