RE: Research In Motion’s Attempt at a (likely) Comeback

If you’ve followed the tech world in the last couple of years, you’ll know RIM has been tanking since 2008. Recently they have tried to claw their way back with tablets and the new Blackberry 10.

In Tanvir’s Blog, he describes this as their last chance at a comeback. However I read an an article about RIM’s exploits in Africa. 2 out of 4 million smartphone users in Nigeria are using a Blackberry. With such a huge market share in a developing country like Nigeria, there is a large potential for growth. Like we discussed in class about the quickly expanding cell networks in China, I believe the same is happening in Nigeria. In a quickly developing world where an iPhone is just too expensive, the Blackberry is in the Goldilocks zone of affordable but still a symbol of status..Its utility orientated design and PUSH capabilities also make it a valuable tool for business in Nigeria. This combination keeps it from being second to the iPhone like in the westernized world.

Indeed the stock price of RIM has declined over the last few years but as Chinese businesses move into Africa, we can expect an up rise in Blackberry use.


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