Wal-Mart = Fair?!?

To the surprise of everyone, Wal-Mart announces that it will start selling custom made handicrafts by female artisans on the website. It is a very strange venture, since Wal-Mart is traditionally associated with big discounts and bulk products, not art. It is also attempting to set up programs ensuring that women will get paid fairly and attempt to improve their lives. Immediately, skeptics quickly start analyzing Wal-Mart’s motives.


Many say that Wal-Mart is doing it for brand image reasons, or even just to enter in a new market where they can attract clients that would appreciate art as oppose to cheap clothing to increase profits.

In the end, they are probably goals that Wal-Mart would like to achieve. Still, this can be an opportunity for Wal-Mart, as the risk can allow the company to elevate the brand in many consumers’ minds. However, since this new market is completely abstract and detached to their usual business model, there is a great risk, which is probably why Wal-Mart is launching this collaboration on their website as oppose in their store fronts.

Picture URL:  http://phillyjwj.blogspot.com/2011/01/walmart-we-cant-afford-it-in-our.html

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