Silence is Golden

There have been many reports on Netflix and its unintelligent decision to split the services with a 60% price increase, then sending emails to all its loyal customers weeks later to admit that it has made a mistake and that it has “misjudged [its] customers”. Here is an interesting analysis of the situation, and how this customer feels that Netflix completely misjudged the situation by not understanding what the consumer wants: silence.

It is interesting because the price increase issue is already considered an imprudent move, but this consumer views receiving random information from the company as annoying. This is demonstrating a lack of market research for Netflix, because the company’s point of differences is providing quick service in an anonymous method. By sending multiple emails informing users about changes, it already annoys customers who have no prior knowledge to the price changes, simply because they have no desire to continue with a provider that constantly bombards them with extra information. With this unique angle, it once again proves that Netflix is still nowhere near the market shares that it once possessed, because the whole debacle has exposed the company being uninformed when it comes to the price of the service and the type of the service that a customer wants.

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