literature and cultures of the romance world II: modern to post-modern


Hello everyone! I’m Lilian, a third-year majoring in Anthropology and I’m taking RMST 202 as part of my literature requirement for the faculty of arts. I took this class in particular because it seemed vastly different from what I usually study and I’m very glad I chose it because the reading list looks incredibly intriguing! I find the structure of this class really helpful for me because since I am taking a full course load this semester, it is helpful that I get to do something different and out of the ordinary so that my classes don’t end up feeling too mundane. I’ve never written blog posts for any of my classes before, but I did used to have one for fun (a very long time ago), dedicated to writing posts about films I’ve seen.

I love the idea of writing blog posts for the many different books we will be reading this semester. As per my knowledge of Romance Studies, I did not know a single thing about it prior to signing up for this course. Right off the bat, my first thought was thinking it would involve reading books about romance/love. Though some of the books we will read do deal with that theme, it definitely makes more sense that it instead focuses on the literary works from the romance languages (LOL). I have studied the Spanish and French language before; French being mandatory for me in elementary and some parts of high school but it was actually one of my favourite subjects and I continued it up until second year. I love the idea of learning languages, but so far I’ve only been able to take courses in Spanish (in college) and French. Though I’ve tried to learn languages on my own, such as Portuguese and Italian, it definitely takes a lot of self-motivation to keep up with it. Though in the future, I hope to keep studying them!


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