
Hi there,

My name is Luana Yeung and I currently in my final year in geology at the University of British Columbia.  I’ve had quite an eventful undergraduate experience which included a year abroad studying in Manchester, England.  I’ve made many friends from across the world and my adventure hasn’t stopped since I have gotten back.  Here at UBC I have been inspired to continue my exchange experience by helping new incoming exchange students transition into life at UBC and Vancouver.

Personal Statement:

Throughout this GEOB270 course, I have learned many things about ArcGIS and its many practical elements and how it will support me and help me in my future career as a geologist.  In the field of geology, ArcGIS is becoming an increasingly important software to learn and can tell you many things about the geology if used appropriately.  I feel I benefit both from learning the theory behind a subject and then applying it with a hands on approach.  With this course I was able to do that and play around and apply practical data processing commands to real world data.

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