What If…

If the United Nations were fully funded, social enterprise and the Arc would still be extremely relevant to the world.

The UN is an organization created to promote international co-operation between countries. As of now, the UN has 193 members. The main goal of the United Nations is to establish peace, promote human rights, and in addition, economic and social development. Social enterprise is an organization that is focused on maximizing human well-being instead of focusing explicitly on profits. Both the Arc and social enterprise target smaller areas and are thus able to be more effective than the UN. Furthermore, it can be noticed that the United Nations leans more towards macromanagement, whereas social enterprise is more related to micromanagement.


Social enterprises and the Arc still add a lot of value to the world because of the way these organizations are structured. Social enterprises tend to favor consumer’s wants and ultimately fills their needs. It is ultimately up to organizations like the Arc to resolve the smaller details in larger scenarios in which the UN cannot fully grasp. Thus it is notorious that these organizations are extremely important to the overall society and local communities.





If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise?


cial enterprise is rarely an actual organization. It refers to a business strategy in which a company focuses on improving social conditions as well as selling products and services. This helps win the business favor among consumers and allows it to have a positive impact. However, it says little about the structure of the business itself. It is usually corporations that have the funds and influence to practice social enterprise.

Read more : http://www.ehow.com/info_7810404_difference-between-corporation-enterprise.html

cial enterprise is rarely an actual organization. It refers to a business strategy in which a company focuses on improving social conditions as well as selling products and services. This helps win the business favor among consumers and allows it to have a positive impact. However, it says little about the structure of the business itself. It is usually corporations that have the funds and influence to practice social enterprise.

Read more : http://www.ehow.com/info_7810404_difference-between-corporation-enterprise.html

cial enterprise is rarely an actual organization. It refers to a business strategy in which a company focuses on improving social conditions as well as selling products and services. This helps win the business favor among consumers and allows it to have a positive impact. However, it says little about the structure of the business itself. It is usually corporations that have the funds and influence to practice social enterprise.

Read more : http://www.ehow.com/info_7810404_difference-between-corporation-enterprise.html

his helps win the business favor among consumers and allows it to have a positive impact. Ho

Read more : http://www.ehow.com/info_7810404_difference-between-corporation-enterprise

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