Virgin America Produces Airline Stunning Safety Video


Virgin America approaches the conventional airline safety video with a fresh musical twist. I’d say Virgin’s latest production is a marketing success for a few reasons. One of Virgin America’s guiding principles is its association and appeal towards music. Music is an effective way to overcome language barriers and appeal to different cultures through genres, thus expanding the target audience Virgin reaches out to.

Also, other airlines in the past have tried to reach out to their market audience by making safety procedures entertaining, namely New Zealand Air. Virgin meets its competitors on this point of parity, but establishes a point of difference in the amount of production effort put in.

Finally, Virgin targeted its young adult audience well. I could not watch this just once. The fact that I would and could watch this more than once is because Virgin uploaded this video to Youtube: one of the many video-sharing social networking platforms where a majority of young adults spend their time. I’d doubt that a broadcast on TV would have been as effective as using Youtube, given that young adults are spending more and more time on the internet for entertainment. Bravo, Virgin America.

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